I investigate and I wonder

11-16 years old


Secondary British education consists of two stages:

Key Stage 3: (from Year 7 to Year 9).

Key Stage 4: (from Year 10 to Year 11).

They further develop their independence, resilience, creativity and critical thinking skills

Key Stage 3 (11 to 14 years)

This stage is comprised of Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9.

Key Stage 3 is a very important stage for secondary school students, as they set the foundations to reach their maximum potential in the Key Stage 4 IGCSE subjects, where they further develop their independence, resilience, creativity and critical thinking skills. The subjects of this key stage are taught by specialists from each area, the objectives are established within each subject and the progress of the students is monitored according to the proposed objectives.

This stage focuses more on students’ progress and skills, and not just on grades. Students receive constant feedback on both their achievements and areas for improvement.

In addition to the specialist teachers of the subjects, each student has a personal tutor, who will be responsible for supervising the progress of the students, at an academic, social and emotional level. This is how we guide young students in their evolution. Tutors conduct individualised tutoring with their students, so students can reflect on the term’s progress, set goals, or discuss any aspect of their school life.

British curriculum subjects

1.  English Language and Literature 

2. Mathematics

3. Combined Sciences (Physics, Chemistry and Biology)

4. Geography

5. History

6. Art and Design

7. Computing

8. Physical Education

9. Music

10. Modern Foreign Language: French

11. Health & Wellbeing 

Spanish curriculum subjects

1. Lengua Castellana

2. Lengua Valenciana

3. Geografía e Historia de España


Key Stage 4 (14 to 16 years)

It is the final stage of Secondary Education, composed of Year 10 and Year 11 courses, equivalent to the last two years of ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education) in the Spanish system. During this stage, students study for the IGCSE (International General Certificate in Secondary Education) exams, which take place at the end of Year 11. Our students will obtain the homologation of the Secondary Graduate Certificate (ESO) issued by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, having passed at least 5 subjects with grade C or higher.

The IGCSE subjects are designed to continue building the skills and content taught in Key Stage 3, as well as to train students with the skills and knowledge necessary for further study in Baccalaureate (Sixth Form).

British curriculum subjects (mandatory)

1. Mathematics

2. English as a Second Language

3. English Language (first)

4. English Literature

5. Coordinated Science (2IGCSE) includes Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

6. French

7. Spanish as a First Language

British curriculum subjects (2 optional)

1. Bussiness Studies

2. History

3. Physical Education

4. Computer Science

5. Art

6. Geography

Spanish curriculum subjects (mandatory)

1. Lengua Castellana

2. Lengua Valenciana

3.  Geografía e Historia de España

work experience_Mesa de trabajo 1

Work Experience

At BCLC we believe that we must prepare students not only academically but also prepare them for the challenges of the future world of work.

In accordance with the British curriculum and within the Health & Wellbeing subject, our students, at the end of Year 10, complete a week-long Work Experience. This program gives them the opportunity to spend five days in a work environment in the area that they choose with the help of a Baccalaureate guidance counselor.

Our Work Experience creates awareness about work and helps our students to develop key skills, experiencing the day to day of a company. They can begin to form their ideas of how and where they would like to work in the future and it is a good help in choosing their future career.

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