Educational stages


Learning through my experience

5-11 years old

Primary – KS1 & KS2

British primary education has 2 stages.

 Key Stage 1 consists of  Year 1 and Year 2

Key Stage 2 from Year 3 to Year 6.

Throughout this stage pupils become much more active and participative in their own learning. They acquire skills and knowledge which promote their development into confident, rounded and responsible people.

They learn through relevant activities that stimulate their interest, promote investigation and understanding, through play and the active participation in both mental and practical tasks.

Learning is based on a practical learning philosophy, whereby children learn through observing, solving problems and experimenting.

We believe that children learn better:

Through relevant activities that stimulate interest, encourage research and promote understanding.

Through play and active involvement in mental and practical tasks.

When learning is based on practical learning, observing, problem solving and experimenting.

When they have access to a series of activities that allows them to be challenged. It is important that they experience success but, at the same time, feel safe enough to make mistakes.

When learning opportunities are established within one’s experiences. They also need to be able to ask questions, solve problems, debate, and draw conclusions.

When they are interested and motivated. It is important that pupils have a good self esteem and that they are praised and rewarded for their efforts.

The curriculum is planned and reviewed weekly

The subjects which correspond to the Spanish curriculum are taught by qualified teachers of Spanish nationality. Valencian classes begin in Year 2, and Social and Natural Sciences classes in Year 3.

To measure the academic quality and progress of our students, from Year 3 to Year 6, we take the GL Assessment tests in English, mathematics and science. These tests allow us to know the progress of the students in accordance with the standards set by the National Curriculum and thus be able to identify the areas of improvement so that all of our students reach the required level.

Cross Curricular learning

In BCLC, cross curricular learning is made the most of, which is characterised by addressing related topic within the different subjects of the curriculum. This pedagogical system teaches them to think creatively, interrelating the different subjects in order to achieve the necessary knowledge to consolidate their understanding.

British curriculum subjects

1. Literacy

2. Numeracy

3. Science

4. Computing

5. Geography

6. History

7. Music

8. Physical Education

9. Art and Design

10. Personal, Social and Health Education

11. Modern Foreing Language: French (from Year 3)

Spanish curriculum subjects

1. Lengua Castellana

2. Lengua Valenciana

3. Ciencias Sociales y Naturales

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